On this page, we will provide information around the online-conference and how to use our online-platform.
First of all, get to know our online-Platform used during the ÖffiCON*.
Access to the conference
In advance you will receive a link to the conference at the e-mail address you provided. Click on it and you will be able to participate in the event. To register, click on “participate as a guest” and fill in your profile. When you enter the platform for the first time, a tutorial opens that explains the most important functions. A window will open asking you to use the microphone and camera. In order for you to participate smoothly everywhere, it is important that you allow their use.
Participate in events
At the beginning, you will be on a home page called the lobby. Here you will find some important information about the conference, which you are welcome to read. On the left side there is a bar with the elements of the conference. Under “Events” you can access the individual video meetings. The program items are divided into Roundtables and Workshops as well as the Main Stage. If you want to join a presentation on the Main Stage, click on the Main Stage, then on the corresponding stage and on “Join Main Stage”. A video will open and you can listen to the speakers.
Access to roundtables and workshops is the same, but the format is slightly different because you can participate yourself. If you have selected a roundtable or workshop and joined, a video will also open. At the bottom of the bar you now have different options. You can leave the video by clicking on the red button and next to it there are two symbols, one for the microphone and one for your camera. At the beginning, both icons are crossed out, which means they are disabled. If you want the other participants to be able to see you, then you click on the camera icon and activate it. If you don’t want that, then the camera can remain deactivated.
If other people are talking, please leave the microphone deactivated to avoid noise. Only activate it when you want to say something. You can draw attention to yourself by virtually raising your hand. On the left there is a symbol of a hand. If you click on it, you will be called on by the moderators. Then click on the crossed out microphone to activate it and you can speak. When you are done, remember to deactivate the microphone by clicking on it.
If you want to participate without speaking, you can use the chat. You will find the corresponding icon on the far left. By clicking on it, the chat will open and you can use it to ask questions, for example. This chat is visible to all people who are currently participating in the roundtable or workshop.
Exchange with other participants
You are not in a meeting at the moment and would like to talk to the other participants of the conference? Then you can join the “Networking” in the bar on the far left. There you will see other people who are also in the “Networking” section and you can start a private video meeting by clicking the “Talk” button.
In the general bar there is also the field “Participants”. There you can see all the people who are currently participating in the conference. Maybe you will find the name of someone you know there.
In the bar you will also find the general “Chat”. Everything that is written there is visible for all participants of the conference.
What can I do if something does not work?
In the bottom left corner there is a “Help” button that looks like a “V”. There you will find general hints to frequently occurring problems. You haven’t found the right answer yet? Then simply open the “Support Chat”. There you enter your e-mail address, confirm it with “Ok” and you can ask your question and send it. We will give you an answer as soon as possible and help you.
Despite all the limitations of current life, an online conference also offers some advantages for all participants: Mobility requirements are reduced because anyone with a stable Internet connection can easily participate from the comfort of their own home. People with impaired vision can enlarge the content of the presentations individually on their screens, and for people with lower hearing ability, the acoustics at home or in the office are almost always better than in any presence situation.
Nevertheless, many new challenges arise from an online conference. We strive to make participation in ÖffiCon possible for all people, but unfortunately our capacities are also limited. An important contribution is made by the speakers, who are required to verbalize visual information, speak clearly, and avoid distracting noise or backgrounds. In addition, they will have their camera turned on so that their gestures and facial expressions can be clearly seen.
To overcome language barriers, we will offer most of the event points in German and English or we will ensure that subtitles are available.
We hope that we can guarantee you barrier-free access to the event. If you have any concerns or wishes, please contact us at team@oefficon.eu and we can try to find a solution together within our possibilities.
Technical support
For all questions concerning the ÖffiCON* technology – regarding the conference platform, own technical difficulties or even comprehension questions the following phone number can be reached: 0157 39123858.
Program issues
Whether speakers or participants: Everyone is free to ask us questions about the conference program, interpretation or moderation at any time. The following contact options are available: e-mail: program@oefficon.eu or phone 0157 39123862.
Even at a conference, it is not only about content. Should incidents occur during the ÖffiCON*, border crossings happen or it is not possible for a person to feel comfortable at the ÖffiCON*, this phone number can be dialed in addition to a look at our awareness concept: 0157 39123857.
Press and interview requests can be directed to: 0157 39123860.