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Day 2: Friday, 19. March 2021

Which tariff offers support climate protection?

Workshop EN

Jochen Sauer

Using 4 future scenarios we will show different tariffs and their impact on the demand and financing of public transport. In smaller groups we will then discuss the climate impacts of every scenario and present them to the other groups in the end. The workshop wants to improve one's knowledge of the climate impact different tariffs produce.

Future prospects public transport 2048

Workshop EN

We will take you on a journey to 2048. On the basis of the book "Future for all - a vision for 2048", we will discuss how future mobility can look like, considering other societal factors such as living, work and nutrition.

Reimagining passenger transport for reduced congestion and better accessibility (EN)

Workshop EN

Paul Minett, John Niles

This workshop describes a Mineta Transportation Institute project that developed a comprehensive, step-by-step methodology to determine the likely uptake and calculate the benefits (economic, social, and environmental) and costs of paying for drivers to become passengers at a congestion-clearing level and to maintain this level over time. The workshop will give participants the opportunity to work through the same process and envision the potential for such a solution in their own jurisdiction.

Day 3: Saturday, 20. March 2021

Composing a city navigation in 30 minutes

Workshop EN

Frank Gerhardt, Holger Bruch

The city of Herrenberg used the travel information system Stadtnavi for their project Clean Air. At this workshop, the developers show us, how every town can establish a Stadtnavi system within 60 minutes.

Investment offensive for the environmental network – public transport summit now!

Workshop EN

Mira Ball

We have had enough auto-mobile summits, now we want to talk about the environmental network (cars, busses, bikes). In September 2020 FFF, ver.di, BUND, BUNDjugend, VCD, attac, EVG, Changing Cities, Campact and Naturfreunde presented their collective position paper for the environmental network and have since been fighting for a public transport summit. With growing numbers of supporters, we would like to discuss our ideas about the mobility transformation and make plans on how to reach our goals.

We’re in this together – campaign for climate protection and public transport employees

Workshop EN

Mira Ball

Climate justice and good working conditions in future green jobs are going hand in hand. Ver.di and FridaysForFuture fought for better working conditions in public transport on the occasion of the #tvn2020 tariff campaign. In 2021 their work together will continue. In this workshop we want to talk about our experiences and help you with making alliances between climate activists and workers last.